Transforming unscheduled calls into documented care.

A cloud-based solution facilitating unscheduled smartphone video calls between patients and their providers — around the clock.

No downloads. No software. No hassle.

How LogiCall works

With LogiCall’s cloud-based solution, providers can deliver a better care experience, all from their smart device.

For Providers

Detailed call records support billing

Streamlined workflow to reduce physician burnout

Blocked numbers maintain provider privacy

For Patients

Timely personal care from your provider’s practice

Accessible call recordings to share and review

Easy connection with no apps or software

how logicall helps


of physicians often have feelings
of burnout.

LogiCall is here to change that.

Return on Investment

Thoroughly documents calls to meet CPT billing standards for Government and Commercial Insurance carriers.

Risk Mitigation

Securely stores recorded call audits and transcripts in a HIPAA-compliant cloud.

Frictionless Workflow

Seamlessly integrates with leading EMRs/EHRs to add transcript & call data to patient records.

Improved Experience

Easily connects patients to their providers and  sends call recordings  with treatment instructions for review.


It’s time for the care experience to evolve. Learn how it can with LogiCall.

Experience our technology in action.

Discover how LogiCall can streamline your workflow, all from the click of your phone.

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